I thought today I would share a few do's and don'ts that we've learnt along the way.
DO plan your design before you begin. Even if you want a random pattern, you need to know what you want and have everything ready to go. Once that concrete is mixed, there's no time for mucking around.
DON'T use quick set concrete mix!!!
DO accept help to get all those pieces into place before the concrete sets.
DON'T forget to explain your design to your helper before you begin, especially if your design is supposed to be symmetrical!
DO check the weather forecast.
DON'T try this if it is too hot or too cold! If it's too hot, your concrete will set faster than ever. If it's too cold, your concrete won't set, and this is the result:
(Yes, I'm picking the bits out with a screwdriver, but only because I didn't want to get dirt under my nails!)
DO put all pets and toddlers somewhere where they will stay out of your hair! Preferably in their hutches (that's for the rabbits) or down for a nap (that's for the toddlers).
DON'T use shells. They will break.
DO use your favourite plates that got a chip. All those special pieces of broken china will make your path all the more wonderful. If you are even thinking about maybe making a mosaic path "one day" start saving your broken china now!
DON'T be too ambitious with your design.
DO have fun!!
There you have it! Do give it a try some time ^_^